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Showing posts from July, 2017

Gentle Rogue Book Review by Johanna Lindsey

It seems like ages since my last book review and now I would like to share about the 3rd part of Malory Series by Johanna Lindsay. I highly recomend to read the previous book before read this one because it will be well read and bring more satisfaction if you know the story before this story. Or at least read my previous review ^_~ The story actually start from second book of Mallory series when James and Anthony Mallory ambushed Georgina and her friends Mac in a tavern. They are looking for Malcom Lady Roslyn’s cousin to break the news tha the lady is already married to Anthony. Meanwhile Georgina is using male clothes as camouflage so she search her fiance in the travern. Thanks to younger Mallory all people in the travern now realized that she is a woman. James Mallory feel intrigued by Georgina presence and he is so curious about her. Furthermore he have no idea who she is. That’s the spoiler story of their first encountered in the second book (Tender Rebel). The openi...

Why Choose Agribusiness FP UB

Yup aku alumni Agribisnis FP UB angkatan 2012. Di post kali ini aku mau ngajakin blogger lovers   buat kembali ke bebearapa tahun lalu waktu aku masih galau nentuin masuk jurusan IPA atau IPS setelah kenaikan kelas X. Waktu itu nilai IPA ku pas-pasan aja sih dan nilai IPS lebih bagus tapi seperti kebanyakan anak yang lain orang tua minta aku buat masuk jurusan IPA. Akhirnya masuk juga jurusan IPA tapi ya gitu harus mati-matian perjuangin nilai mata pelajaran IPA yang emang aduhai banget susah nya :’( Nurut sama ortu emang nggak ada ruginya akhirnya aku masuk Agribisnis FP UB yang waktu tes masuk jurusan dari bidang IPA tapi hampir semua isi mata kuliahnya IPS. Maklumlah karena Agribisnis merupakan Program Studi di bawah Jurursan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Mata kuliah semester 1 rata-rata mata kuliah wajib dan mata kuliah dasar. Kalo kalian masuk ke FP UB maka mata kuliah semester 1 ini udah di paketin jadi kita nggak milih mata kuliah dan kelas lagi tapi tinggal ngisi K...