When I was visiting Bali last year I stay at Fashion Hotel Kuta Bali for 3 nights. I would like to tell you about my impresion of this hotel. I do think that this hotel is good place to stay at Bali because it not so far from the airport. Actually I had breakfast beside some pilot on one morning there. I was intrigued by this hotel because this hotel is one businessline with fashion tv. Fashion tv is my sister favorite channel. This the front symbol of the hotel. Notice the diamod shape on the symbol? You will find a lot of hotel stuff that have diamond shape as well. Next is the custom design of the lobby is definitely spot to take a picture. My impression about this hotel is the visitor is have a very good fashion. I do think several of them are a real life model, they are too handsome and beautifull to be a normal person. I met them at lobby mostly. Absolutely adorable. The surprise when entering the room is they actually give scale in the room. This is never...
Hello worlds! I was born with Rizky Trisna Putri as my name. This blog is about what I like and experiences I want to share. Enjoy the read ^_~