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Showing posts from August, 2020

Weekend Travel around NTU Campus

Today is a holiday. I explore place around the dorm in holiday. I like the architecture here. And I found a tiny area for children to play. The children can play happily here. In Taipei, most of the citizen living in apartment, they don't have their own garden. This public space for children is very useful. This is very nice. The child plays happily Even though I do a solo travelling but I feel safe because the neighbourhood is not crowded. My destination is Taipei Grand Mosque. I search on google map it is not far from the dorm. So I go there and planning to pray there. Taipei Grand Mosque It is not as big as I imagine considering Indonesia grand mosque is so big with 10 floor. The mosque only has 2 floors but it is clean and comfortable. I pretty impress because there are a lot of people in the mosque. Apparently, there is someone die. In Muslim rules if there is someone die then at least 40 people should pray for the corpse and wishing he has a pleasant...

Hospital Playlist K-Drama Review

Sukaaaa banget sama drama yang satu ini. Awalnya aku gak terlalu tertarik sama drama ini karena menurutku posternya biasa aja. Aku cuma lihat lima dokter berjejer gitu dan yang bikin aku gak terlalu tertarik karena waktu pertama lihat drama ini masih on going. Apalagi cuma tayang seminggu sekali.. Jadi kan nyiksa banget nunggunya.. Akhirnya aku cuma skip aja dan nonton drama yang lain.  Jujur aku gak terlalu familiar ngelihat pemain-pemainya. Suka sih tapi ya cuma sebatas kayak pernah lihat aja. Sampai aku lihat story temenku warga korea asli bikin story soundtrack dari film ini, trus akhirnya aku mikir hmmm kayaknya ini layak buat ditonton deh di korea aja lagi booming ya kan. Jadi langsung aku tonton deh. dan ternyataaaa... Aku suka banget sama ceritanya >.<  Jadi K-Drama ini nyeritain tentang lima sekawan dokter yang bersahabat sejak masih sekolah di Universitas. Empat orang dokter cowok dan satu orang dokter cewek. Drama ini menurutku komposisinya ...