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Showing posts from March, 2017

Tender Rebel Review

Lady Roslyn Chadwick is in dire need of husband. She is a granddaughter of a very wealthy duke who recently passed away. She promised to her grandpa to marry as soon as possible but it isn’t the only reason why she have to get married quickly. She have long distance cousin Geordie Cameron who really want to stake claim on her grandpa inheritance. It is not an easy task for a rich heiress like her when she is 25 year old virgin who doesn’t have any suitor. Lady Roslyn is very pretty but she spent 6 years to nurse her grandpa and doesn’t have time to look for husband. So she come to London asking help to her friend who is a widow Frances. On the other hand the famous formidable rake Lord Anthony Malory (Youngest from Malory brother) is avoiding every ball. He never like the attention. Not only for his good look but also he have pugilist skill which also famous and known as unbeatable make his appeal even more rising. The bad boy and dangerous aura is a magnet for the opposit...

Bakso Udang

Pada post kali ini aku mau berbagi resep kreasi aku nih blogger lovers. It called “Bakso Udang”. This is definitely my signature dish! Bakso udang ini pake kuah kaldu udang lho! nanti bakal aku kasih tips buat kaldu udangnya yaa.  Bahan-bahan yang kamu perluin: Udang                  250 gram Tepung Kanji       6 sendok makan Merica                2 sendok teh Bawang Putih     6 biji Bawang Prey      2 tangkai Bihun                 Sesuai selera (Banyaknya tepung dan bumbu nggak harus segitu kok, bisa juga diubah sesuai selera) Kalo Peralatanya simple juga kok: Blender atau kalo nggak punya bisa juga pake cara manual alias ngulek syantik juga bisa kok ^_^ Panci, sendok, p...

Johanna Lindsey – Love Only Once Review (Cinta Sejati Seumur Hidup)

This post is about the first book I read in engslish version and I absolutely LOVE it. As an Indonesian it worries me that I may not get the idea of the story. Johanna Lindsey prove me that my worries isn’t necessary. The words in this novel is simple and easy to understand, it helps that there are a lot of dialog between each person so we can quick learn the situation by their dialog or banter between Malory brothers. This novel start by couple spat between Lord Nicholas Eden and his current mistress Lady Selena Eddington. Selena wants Nicky (Nicholas nickname) to escort her to the Shepford Ball but he refused. Then Selena said she will find someone who will replace Nicky. Nicky and his friend Percy soon discover the man who replace his position in Lady E   arms is Lord Anthony Malory. Nicky wants to ruin Lady E nights by abducting her so she will not come to the blasted ball. He did exactly that and locked Lady E at his room and going to the ball with his friends. ...

Hello Blogger Worlds.

Hi you! Yes the one who read this post J This my very first post on this blog and I want to share more about myself and stuff that I enjoy doing. First and the most important is LOVE to read. Yes, I definitely need to capitalized word LOVE to show how can I get obsessed over a book. It sometimes freak me out because not only once I can’t go to sleep peacefully without finishing book that I read. Type books I LOVE the most and always enjoy to read is Romance!!! Who in the right minds don’t like it anyway. My favourite authors? So far is Johanna Lindsey she does have her way with words guys.   For me most of her novel is my favourite and I can’t get enough with Malory family they totally something guys. Of course I will post about every of Malory series in this blog, so don’t forget   wait for the spoiler on many post coming ;) Not only Johana Lindsey with her historical romance that I like but I also enjoy Melody Anne novel, which is unlike Johanna who put setting...