A lot of people saying about love. It always a hot topic to tell. This post is not different. When we fell in love everything seems pretty good, but when we out of love nothing seems good. So, should we continue this? Is it even important topic to discuss? Many song was created because of love. Some artists saying that love can be a great inspirations, but other saying that it only a distraction. Why we put the blame on love when we are the one who let it happen? This is getting interesting.. I make it look like we can control when we are going to be in love or out love. But don't make mistake, we CAN NOT choose the time to fall in love, it just.. happen.. Love is feeling think not a thinking think. So, don't over think it! say the brain. But sometimes heart have different opinion. Okay not only sometimes, it can be have different opinion all the time. We can not blame on a woman to have fantasy and high standart of man. Every movie or drama we watch end up...
Hello worlds! I was born with Rizky Trisna Putri as my name. This blog is about what I like and experiences I want to share. Enjoy the read ^_~