Hi guys! In this post I want to share my experience when I was joining ICGAB (International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy). The event was held by Brawijaya University in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia. I was honor that I could be participate in this great event. Before continue my master study in Bogor Agriculture University I was getting my bachelor degree at Brawijaya University and spent four years living in Malang. I was really happy that I can come back at Brawijaya University again and joining this amazing event. One of the reason that joining this event is so amazing because I can also meet participant from other country. There are sparticipant from Thailand, Malysia, and Philipine that also joining this event. I could be presenting my research because I was being oral presenter in this event. It was unforgetable! I was super excited. After that we had gala dinner in the evening. I ate Bakso (meatball) Malang that really delicious. The ...
Hello worlds! I was born with Rizky Trisna Putri as my name. This blog is about what I like and experiences I want to share. Enjoy the read ^_~