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Showing posts from 2020

Weekend Travel around NTU Campus

Today is a holiday. I explore place around the dorm in holiday. I like the architecture here. And I found a tiny area for children to play. The children can play happily here. In Taipei, most of the citizen living in apartment, they don't have their own garden. This public space for children is very useful. This is very nice. The child plays happily Even though I do a solo travelling but I feel safe because the neighbourhood is not crowded. My destination is Taipei Grand Mosque. I search on google map it is not far from the dorm. So I go there and planning to pray there. Taipei Grand Mosque It is not as big as I imagine considering Indonesia grand mosque is so big with 10 floor. The mosque only has 2 floors but it is clean and comfortable. I pretty impress because there are a lot of people in the mosque. Apparently, there is someone die. In Muslim rules if there is someone die then at least 40 people should pray for the corpse and wishing he has a pleasant...

Hospital Playlist K-Drama Review

Sukaaaa banget sama drama yang satu ini. Awalnya aku gak terlalu tertarik sama drama ini karena menurutku posternya biasa aja. Aku cuma lihat lima dokter berjejer gitu dan yang bikin aku gak terlalu tertarik karena waktu pertama lihat drama ini masih on going. Apalagi cuma tayang seminggu sekali.. Jadi kan nyiksa banget nunggunya.. Akhirnya aku cuma skip aja dan nonton drama yang lain.  Jujur aku gak terlalu familiar ngelihat pemain-pemainya. Suka sih tapi ya cuma sebatas kayak pernah lihat aja. Sampai aku lihat story temenku warga korea asli bikin story soundtrack dari film ini, trus akhirnya aku mikir hmmm kayaknya ini layak buat ditonton deh di korea aja lagi booming ya kan. Jadi langsung aku tonton deh. dan ternyataaaa... Aku suka banget sama ceritanya >.<  Jadi K-Drama ini nyeritain tentang lima sekawan dokter yang bersahabat sejak masih sekolah di Universitas. Empat orang dokter cowok dan satu orang dokter cewek. Drama ini menurutku komposisinya ...

A story about Corona..

In Indonesia, we still suffering from Coronavirus. We struggling right now and everyone hoping this pandemic will be over soon. During this pandemic, the Indonesian government ask us to stay at home. We all facing a new normal now. My sister works at the health department. She told me that even her workmate become a victim and die. My brother is 33 years old, he told me last night that his best friends die because of Corona. I know this virus is dangerous. I kept myself at home and only get out if there is something very important. This time I'm facing this pandemic far from home. I'm still struggling to finish my master degree at IPB University. It really hard but I know I can survive. Every day my family always called me and it the reason to keep me going. My family always become my number one motivator. As you have noticed, I made a lot of story about travelling. I did that because I do like travelling. I like to go to new places where I can meet new people, heard sto...

Resep Terong Balado

Halo guys, kali ini aku mau bikin versi Bahasa Indonesia dari resep Terong Balado yang sebelumnya sudah aku post di blog ini. Tujuanya supaya semakin banyak yang terispirasi dan menggunakan resep ini, karena ini tuh resep yang gampang dan rasanya berani diadu deh. Dari blogpost tanggal 18 April 2010 berjudul Teron Balado Recipe. Halo penggemar blogger! Maaf ya nggak nge post dan update konten baru secepatnya, aku lagi sibuk nggak ngapa-ngapain, hehehe. Gimana kabar kalian? Aku harap kita semua aik-baik aja dan bisa mengalahkan pandemi ini. Aku tau, berdiam diri di rumah aja udah jadi isu global saat ini. Perubahan yang aku rasain dari aku sendiri, aku rasa jadi lebih rajin masak buat diri sendiri. Yup, saat ini aku sedang mengkarantina diri sendiri di kosan dan harus menjalani pandemi ini sendirian *musik sedih* Ngomong-ngomong di post kali ini aku mau berbagi resep Terong Balado.. Balado artinya bumbu merah yang pedas gitu.. Aku berharap kalian bisa membuat ini di rumah y...

Shung Ye Museum and Taiwan's National Palace Museum

Back to my story while I was in Taiwan joining BACT NTU. That day July 14th 2018 we went to National Palace Museum, but first we were coming to Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigin. It located very near from National Palace Museum, only 5 minute walking. We use city bus to go there. This is my first time using bus in Taiwan. I like to ride the bus. It is clean and comfortable, I sit with Sarah and she said she also like to use public transportation.  Inside Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigin We have guided tour here. The tour guide is very good on explaining the content of the museum. First she take us to look around in th first floor. The first floor is about people and natural environment of Taiwan. An introduction to environment inhabited by Taiwan indigenous people is displayed. The interpretation of the aborigin people is displayed in an informative board. There is a Yami (Tao) fishing boat representing the maritime environment. The most interesting part in...

Rice Harvesting in National Taiwan University

First day at May after several weeks quarantine alone in room. I decide to write more about the place or memory that I want to cherish. Today’s post will be about my days in Taiwan when I was doing summer school at National Taiwan University. Today, we use farmer’s hat and ready to go to rice field. We experienced how to harvest rice. We have to cut the plant at the bottom so we have some stem to hold when we put it on traditional grinder. We use traditional grinder equipment to harvest rice and separate the seed from the other part of the plant. All of us take time to try using the tools. This is not the first time I harvest rice but it still a nice experience. For other participant this were their first time harvesting rice. This   harvesting job was not easy. We all worked very hard but had fun at the same time. We also did group picture aft finishing our task (Picture below). The sun shined brightly, it encouraging us to do more hardwork. By the way we still ha...

Terong Balado Recipe

Hi blogger lovers! Sorry for not updating and post new content as soon as possible, I was busy being not busy, lol.. How are you guys? I hope we all doing good and can beat this pandemic. I know stay at home is global issue right now.. The change that I feel in myself is I become more dilligent to prepare and cooked food for myself. Yes, right now I am living alone and have to go through this pandemic by myself *insert sad music*  By the way.. In this post I want to give you my recipe of Terong Balado.. Terong is eggplant and Balado means spicy seasoning.. I hope you can make this at your house ^_^ This recipe is very easy first of all prepare the ingredient: Garlic 4 clove Shallot twice amount of garlic Tomato 1 if it big/ 2 if it small Chilli 8 (or you can use any spicy ingredient to replace chili)  Eggplant 2 Olive oil, salt, and pepper as necessary. Okay, if you already prepare the ingredient, let's cook!  First put garlic, shallot, toma...

IPB University Partially Closed Down

Blog post kali sengaja aku buat untuk menginformasikan mengenai pembatasan masuk kampus IPB University. Sejak Senin 16 Maret 2020 hingga dua minggu ke depan kampus IPB dinyatakan Partially Closed Down. Hal ini merupakan langkah preventif kampus untuk mencegah penyebaran virus korona yang saat ini tengah menjadi wabah di Indonesia, berikut protokol untuk kalian yang ingin memasuki kampus IPB. Para mahasiswa dan civitas akademika dianjurkan untuk tetap di rumah (work from home) dan jika tidak ada kegiatan mendesak sangat dianjurkan untuk TIDAK keluar rumah. Aku sendiri sangat setuju dengan kebijakan ini. Harus disadari bahwa virus korona tidak boleh dihadapi dengan kepanikan atau ketakutan yang berlebihan tetapi juga gak boleh diremehkan. Mulailah dari diri sendiri dengan tidak keluar rumah, kamu membantu dirimu sendiri dan secara tidak langsung orang lain dengan mencegah resiko penularan virus. Berikut nomor telfon dan kontak layanan untuk antisipasi COVID 19 di IPB University....

Photo Shoot Jawa Traditional Concept

Two years ago my house mate ask me if I want to try a photo shoot with Jawa Tradiotional concept. And without thinking further I said YES! This picture already at my instagram account (@rizkytrisnaputri) sfor two years. While cleaning some space in my laptop I found this album, so why not I share about our photo shoot moment. Mbak Yani, Inez, Widya, and I going to this cafe + photo studio (ig : @cakkoesresto) at afternoon after making appointment. We go in the rain with motorcycle, it was hard but we all are excited! When we arrived we going to a room when we can changeour clothes to kebaya. Kebaya here is not some fancy kebaya that Indonesian people use to attend party, but more simple and look alike with what the people in the village wear. As you know we ladies not only change clothes but also doing our make up, it takes about an hour for us to get ready. Luckily there was no one that will take photo shoot tonight so they give us leniency in dressing time. After that we go...

Learn to do Chinese Calligraphy

After all day hiking we going back to campus to learn write Chinese calligraphy. I have no idea how the class will be but I was so excited, even though so tired after hiking. Before we practicing they give brief explanation about Chinese calligraphy. Then they give us the equipment to do Chinese calligraphy. The young teacher Oh I surely can't wait to start! They give us paper, a brush, and ink. This was not my first time using these equipment but this was the first time I learn to write Chinese calligraphy. We practice diligently. Don't ask me what I write because I already forget about it >_< The teacher is so young and they both very nice. They explain Chinese   calligraphy  and teach us how to write on our own. I write my own name.The best part of this class is we get paper fan and we can write Chinese character at it. But because my calligraphy skill not that good I ask the teacher to write it for me. The letter means love. My middle name ...

Mount Qixing Taiwan

Today we will hike Mount Qixing. I am so excited because I only hike Mount Bromo before. When we arrived, first we se a very nice movie in a mini theater. I really like the animation and the movie help us understand about the volcano. The movie tell us about how volcano and eruption happen. After that we start to hike. There is Mr. Woody that from time to time stop to explain about some plants and bugs we encounter during our walk. I am the last one that coming. Thanks for Jack and Sinmin that help me a lot during the hiking. Even though I am so tired to hike I can’t help but put a wide smiley face when we take picture. It is actually a very nice experience because I don’t think I will do it if I am not join BACT. Eventhough my pace is very old lady like Jack and Sinmin always keep my motivation high. Finally after a very hard hiking (we took a hardest path) I am at the main peak of Mount Qixing. It was hard to keep our eyes open because the wind is too stro...

Liburan di Jogja (Bagian 1)

Dewa 19 come back! Kemaren kalian pasti lihat kan penampilan dewa 19 di Grand final Indonesian Idol. Pasti pada kangen lagu-lagu jaman dulu ya kaaan. Dua tahun lalu sebenernya Padi juga udah bikin Padi Reborn tahun 2017 dan aku pingin banget ceritain lagi keseruan liburan ke Jogja dan nonton konser disana, enjooooooy! Dari blog post 15 Maret 2018 berjudul Jogja Trip (Part 1) Halooo seperti yang aku bilang di akun ig @rizkytrisnaputri, Aku bakal cerita tentang perjalananku ke Jogja tahun lalu. Aku suka jalan-jalan dan Jogjakarta adalah tempat yang pas buat dijelajahi. Aku ada temen sih di Jogja jadi aku ngehubungin dia trus dia ngajakin buat keliling Jogja bareng-bareng. Aku sebenernya cemburu sama status temenku ini karena kayaknya hampir tiap weekend dia selalu nonton konser! Dan aku hampir nggak percaya waktu dia cerita kalo itu konsernya GRATIS!! Jadi meskipun perjalanan Jakarta-Jogja 8 jam naik kereta aku nggak bakal nolak dong waktu dia ngajak nonton konser Padi Rebor...

Ayam Saus Telur Asin (Kafe Eat n Play)

Lagi-lagi post tentang makanan, semoga kalian nggak bosen yaaa. Aku tuh suka banget soalnya sama menu satu ini. Dan saus telur asion udah buat aku jatuh cinta pada suapan pertama jadi kayak gatel aja gitu buat nulis ini, Enjooooy! Dari blog post 20 Januari 2020 berjudul Chicken Salted Egg (Eat n Play Cafe) Hmmm blog post kali ini lagi-lagi bahas saus kesukaanku banget, saus telur asin! Kali ini akan bawa kalian makan di Kafe Eat n Play, Bogor. Aku biasanya kesini akhir pekan buat main Boardgame bareng komunitas board game Bogor Kabogoh. Sebelum aku cerita lebih lanjut tentang menu kesukaanku di tempat ini, aku mau cerita dulu gimana awal mulanya aku tau tempat ini. Pada tahun 2018 aku ikutan program pertukaran pelajar (Summer Course) di National Taiwan University. Saat istirahat atau waktu kosong kami selalu main board game. Disana kami cuma main dua boardgame Coup atau Avalon, Nggak ngerti lagi kenapa kami nggak bosen-bosen main itu >_< Jadi setelah program nya sele...

Mie Nyonyor (Makanan Probolinggo

Halooo balik ke Probolinggo lagi yuk. Ntah kenapa suka aja gitu nulis lagi tentang Probolinggo dan nyiksa diri sendiri karena jadi pingin pulang.. Enjoooooy! Dari blog post 1 Maret 2018 berjudul Mie Nyonyor (Food you can eat in Probolinggo 2) Halo temen-temen, sekarang hari pertama bulam Maret aku mau ajak kalian ke kampung halamanku Probolinggo. Banyak orang yang datang kesini karena mau ngunjungi Gunung Bromo yang luar biasa indah apalagi pemandangan matahari terbitnya udah terkenal di seluruh dunia. Sebenernya Probolinggo tuh kota kecil, nggak bakalan macet deh disini. Kita punya Gunung Bromo yang cantik dan Pantai dengan hutan bakau yang nyaman. Trus ada juga kebun binatang yang bisa kalian kunjungi. Tapi post kali ini bukan cuma tentang tempatnya tapi juga makanan yang ada disana.  Mie Nyonyor terletak di Jalan Slamet Riyadi No 153 sekitar 100m di sebelah barat SMAN 4 Probolinggo. Ada juga Taman Maramis deket sini. Aku kesini bareng temen, makanan disini cocok...